Kimironko - KG 38 No 2
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We Empower young women to reach their full potential as leaders

Miss Nacre Africa is a social enterprise that focuses on empowering young women to join leadership roles and decision-making with the aim of encouraging inclusivity and equality for all in Rwanda.
Our work is done through mentorship, skills development, leadership, and entrepreneurial programs to enhance sustainable development goals for African communities.

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Our Projects

Preparing the next generation of leaders


In a pre-launch event, our team executed a philanthropic activity at Masaka District Hospital in Kicukiro District, Kigali, Rwanda, where they visited the Neonatology department and donated essential materials and paid hospital bills to underrepresented women. These women spend more days at the hospital due to health issues of their babies suffering from different diseases.


Ms. NACRE AFRICA partnered with "Build in a Box," a training project that helps students work in teams and provides them with portable toolkits that contain content and teaching materials to work with student facilitators to solve complex problems.


In observance of the International Youth Day Celebration, Miss Nacre Africa, with sponsorship from the African Leadership University organized a one-day panel discussion with three panelists to discuss the importance of "Green Skills" and how students can figure out ways to acquire and use Green Skills to help solve real-world challenges like the Climate Crisis.